SwitchOn workshop 31 March

Today’s final workshop under our project SwitchOn was a great success! It was a deep and meaningful discussion between different participants with their background, culture, religions but all agreed that this was unique experience to be able to share opinion during discussion and game!

Day 2 of our TPM in Cyprus for project IGIFU

We have concluded the second day of our Transnational Project Meeting under our project FilmHub (IGIFU). The partnership discussed outstanding topics from the first day also with the partners and project managers that were participating online. It was a very productive day! #staytuned

SwitchOn workshop 17 March

Today’s workshop was a great success! The most like and enjoyable materials were the coaching card games and the open discussions, because it touches personal things. All participants were happy to be able to share they experience and how they could support each other.Β  Next and final workshop is on 31 March! We invite you […]

T4T online partner meeting

On Monday 6 March 2023 we met with the partners to discuss the progress of our to do’s related to our 2nd work package. In addition we discussed our dissemination activities and planned for our next TPM in Lithuania!