Let Her In – Talk about Women in International Projects (TIPS) webinar

A few weeks ago Let her in club organised a #TIPS (Talk about women in international project) #webinar! It was wonderful to see so many wonderful women contributing and sharing ideas and project updates.πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Did you miss it? We have you covered! βœ…Visit the link below to watch the recording. #We-Get #women #entrepreneurtips #womeninprojects #club #female […]

Project WE GET! – partner meeting

Partner meeting for project We-Get! This week the partners met to discussed the development of IO3. The partners agreed on the timeline and distributed tasks amongst themselves. #project #erasmusplusproject #ErasmusPlus #womeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen #entrepreneurs #female #femaleentrepreneurs #femaleentrepreneurship