Project Details
FilmHub (IGIFU)

Digital skills are associated with a range of benefits, both for individuals and the wider economy. These include improved employment prospects and financial capability for adult educators as well. Digital competence appeared for
the first time in the new framework of key competences for lifelong learning (EU, Council Recommendation on Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, 2006 & 2018), as a transversal skill for life, reflecting an understanding of the digital knowledge which goes beyond the strictly technical and procedural notions characteristic of previous European approaches. The DigComp Framework is a fundamental tool that has been developed by the European Union to tackle the challenge of the digital transformation in any area of our lives. It offers a description of the competences that are necessary today to use digital technologies in a confident, critical, collaborative and creative way for carrying out activities and achieving goals related to work, learning, leisure, inclusion and participation in our digital society. The Action Plan on the European Pillar of Social Rights was launched by the European Commission on 4 March 2021.
The consortium’s motivation is to promote social inclusion through leveling up education opportunities among seniors, thus preventing them from social exclusion.
On the other hand, the skillful use of digital technologies by facilitators makes the labour market more accessible for them.The experiences of partners show that the generations can work together to gain skills, values and knowledge working in the LLL field in a culturally diverse environment, possibly on the international stage.
The project MAIN OBJECTIVE is: to open up lifelong and life-wide learning opportunities through raising the competences of educators embedded in the intergenerational context and digitization of seniors.
o to reinforce and advance unique digital skills of educators working with seniors
o to strengthen the supportive role of educator in the changing reality through the implementation of
innovative teaching
o to boost creativity among facilitators/ adult educators
o to gain and expand specific knowledge in the field of filmmaking by facilitators and seniors, to be able to
create innovative
programmes, thus improving adult education quality
o to boost digital and media literacy of seniors thus preventing social inclusion and enabling them to fully
participate in a
social and civic life
o to develop seniors’ passions, interests and skills in the field of filmmaking and use of unique technologies
o to reinforce an interactive dialogue between seniors and young generation through new technologies
Methods, Techniques, Tools
- Development of Booklet with intergenerational activities
Booklet with intergenerational activities including best practices applied in partner countries; methodology with pedagogical guidelines, description of seniors' potential and limitations; experiences, examples of creative
indoor/outdoor activities in a transgenerational context;
- Development of MOOC and lesson plans
MOOC for facilitators/ educators working with seniors in any intergenerational context, along with training materials/ lesson plans which can be used by facilitators working with seniors in any intergenerational context; lesson materials will be based on the desk research/ results of focus groups describing seniors’ and youngsters’ main needs to be covered.
Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships – General Education
VIOne Consultancy key role: Partner
The main objective is: to open up lifelong and life-wide learning opportunities through raising the competencies of educators embedded in the intergenerational context and digitization of seniors.
Re-Integracji Spolecznej (Coordinator) – Poland
ViOne Consultancy – Netherlands
Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna Lodzi – Poland
MyArtist Koin.S.Ep. – Greece
LATERNA MAGICA Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság – Hungary
A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd – Cyprus
2 years
In progress

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