Project Details

SWITCH ON , is a comprehensive educational program responding to problems of social and professional exclusion among Europeans aged 55+ on the modern job market. The exclusion is a result of the long term isolation due to pandemic, and causes difficulties to adjust to the requirements of the modern market based on new technologies, as well as ceasing investments in personal development of workers, feeling of hopelessness, decrease in engagement and motivation to change. As shown on oshwiki.eu, lack of social relations, being isolated in your work environment and differences in communication in multigenerational teams were the factors mentioned as the biggest hardship in remote working during COVID-19 pandemic.
Main goal for the partnership is to increase professional potential of coaches, HR specialists and educators through work within the comprehensive educational program, which makes it possible for people 55+ to learn new ways to trigger and raise engagement, both social and professional, through focusing on internal sources of motivation as well as positive communication in multigenerational teams.
We also aim to:
- Create paths enhancing qualification level, improve access and encourage more people to participate in trainings for adults;
- Raise qualification level of educators and other didacticians in adults’ education sector;
- Promote Erasmus+ program among all citizens and generations
Methods, Techniques, Tools
Stage I – ACTION – includes E-COURSEBOOK for coaches and HR department workers, leaders/managers, including original diagnostic tools.
1st original tool – Team’s communication style evaluation – the tool allows to understand: style of the communication, level of empathy and flexibility of educational program participants. By correlating the data with employee’s self-evaluation, the educator/coach should receive valuable information on crucial team needs, before starting the first stage of educational program.
2nd original tool – participants’ self-evaluation
E – COURSEBOOK is a compendium of knowledge, including three modules:
MODULE A. GUIDES FOR COACH’S WORK on multigenerational communication and management – managing different cultural habits, various negotiation and communication techniques, relations, procedures and stress management methods in different generations.
MODULE B. 30 SCRIPTS FOR CLASSES: including innovative method and tools used in non-formal education for personal development and social inclusion of people 55+, based on the best practices developed and new operations that haven’t been undertaken by employers thus far. The scripts should involve the following fields:
– 1 . positive communication
– 2. problem solving
– 3. stress management
– 4. good habits – working to change
– 5. pro-activeness – take matters into your own hands
MODULE C. CASE STUDY – examples of good practice in age management within organizations / why is it worth it to manage diversity? / reasons for introducing diversity management in the company / limitations for introducing diversity management / what solutions are worth implementing in your own organization?
STAGE 2: Inclusion
This module is based on building a free of charge platform that would enable creating games and quizzes, individually by the teams participating in SWITCH ON educational program, in order to provide opportunity for positive rivalry.
Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: KA2 Social inclusion and diversity in all fields of training
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships – General Education
VIOne Consultancy key role: Partner
‘SWITCH ON’ – comprehensive educational program supporting people 55+, who are endangered by social and professional exclusion due to long periods of remote working during lockdown.

2 years
In progress

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