Women Entrepreneurs - Generating Enhanced Training: Opening New Perspectives

We aim to create a much more supportive environment for the beneficiaries to thrive and grow. Through this project we want to remove existing obstacles and revolutionize the culture of female entrepreneurship in the EU. We strive to encourage more women to start their own companies and improve and up-scale existing female businesses and to strengthen and boost small and medium female businesses and enterprises. Lastly we aim to spread awareness and raise the appreciation of the need (and consequent benefits) of lifelong training for female entrepreneurs.

Methods, Techniques, Tools
During this project we will focus on emphasizing on non-traditional education, entrepreneurial culture and learning through innovative tools and training materials, provision and assessment of transversal skills, provision of a competence self-assessment tool for young women entrepreneurs, raising and improving women soft skills attainment (especially those related to creativity, persuasion and innovation), digital and ICT skills, entrepreneurial skills and business competences, dealing with skills’ mismatch, digitalisation, internationalization and change management, providing enhanced networking, guidance and mentoring throughout women entrepreneurial journey, reinforcing adult educators’ knowledge and skills regarding digital teaching/learning to engage adult women into lifelong education and creating an open education resource centre comprising all products (e-Kits, e-library, e-workshops, e-portal, e-gallery, webinar, etc.) that are to be developed within the project. We aim to carry out a multinational awareness campaign too. The methods are summarised in learning objectives.
Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices
Action Type: Adult education
VIOne Consultancy key role: Coordinator
Our project WE GET! aims to unleash female entrepreneurial potential, ease the creation of new businesses by women, empower female entrepreneurship, support and promote culture and communities working with women through innovative education, enhanced networking, guidance and mentoring, which will be extended at EU level thanks to the transnational scope of the project.

Objectives for this project can be found on our project website by accessing this link. The final results will become available after the project’s end date.
This project will be held across the European Union
24 months
In progress

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