Project Details

The issue of work-related stress and burnout is connected to a complicated pool of reasons and consequences. Therefore, the StressOut project will apply a holistic approach by building a comprehensive digital training course.
The partnership will be facilitating that by offering a modern solution via the project’s most important result i.e. the StressOut mobile application: a free, easily accessible cross-platform tool right in the “pocket” of potentially any person, allowing an enormous chance of outreach and impact.
Finally, the project aims to raise awareness on the issue of work-related stress and burnout, via its dedicated Policy recommendations report, research activities and awareness raising events, and thus inspire both individuals and the society “to work together to motivate and enable adults of all ages to learn the life skills and key competences necessary to be resilient and adaptable in the face of change and uncertainty”.
This project will indeed be “a purposeful use of digital technologies” in educating individuals and impacting society, by the “development of a flexible learning offer adapted to the learning needs of adults”.
The program supports the development of digital skills and competences of all the population through appropriate programmes and initiatives, such as the StressOut training course offer.
Methods, Techniques, Tools
- Development of the StressOut Training Course
Transfer some very specific skills and competences to its end users, via effective stress management techniques like neurographica, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, nutrition, meditation, work-life balance on one hand, but also a number of valuable skills equally important on both personal and professional level like problem solving, time-management, motivation, effective communication and collaboration, which are all recognized as key competences for lifelong learning and have become part of relevant major EU frameworks such as DigComp.
- Development of the StressOut Mobile Application
The StressOut training course will be the main core of the mobile app, offering engaging education via video tutorials, manuals and templates. Furthermore, the app will also feature additional digital content, features and tools, including professional counselling via a series of podcasts, a stress assessment tool, a first aid kit of stress management suggestions, a stress diary to help track individual progress and set personal training goals, and additional resources, among others. The Mobile Application will include a Stress Assessment Tool and StressOut First Aid Kit.
Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: KA2 Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships – General Education
VIOne Consultancy key role: Partner
The StressOut project will be addressing an issue common not only to the participating partner countries, but as visible from the preliminary needs analysis – a common problem for all of the EU and societies anywhere in general. The foremost purpose of the project is to enable individuals to learn how to recognise, manage and prevent work-related stress and burnout, through an innovative digital training course and tools.
Business Innovation Center Innobridge (Coordinator) – Bulgaria
ViOne Consultancy – Netherlands
Udruga roditelja ‘ Korak po korak ‘ – Croatia
A & A Emphasys Interactive Solutions Ltd – Cyprus
E-business Academy – Bulgaria
2 years
In progress

– LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.
– Facebook page: https://www.facebook.
– Project email: hello@stressout-

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