Project T4T – 2nd Transnational project meeting, hosted in The Netherlands!

On 5th and 6th of September, ViOne Consultancy will host the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting of the project T4T. During the days, the partners will discuss:

IO1 – Development of Guidelines how to better set up effective group dynamics in online learning environment

A1: Designing Guidelines how to better set up effective group dynamics in online learning environment.

A2: Developing a Resource Library with helpful resources how to maintain effective group interaction in online earning environment.

IO2 – Development of an interactive data base with hands- on exercises suitable for online teaching environment

A1: Creating practical exercises (energisers, warm-up and wrap-up activities) suitable for online learning environment and boosting group dynamics.

A2: Organising a series of international webinars to pilot the developed exercises into partner countries

The partners will also discuss Dissemination, Quality Assurance and Risk Management (QARM), Sustainability management and prepare the agenda and to do’s of the coming meetings and outputs.
